Wednesday, November 10, 2010

My Garden Beauties After Lots Of Winter & Spring Rain

Our very old, very large apple tree only had about four flowers
on it last year, but this year is covered with blossom so perhaps
we will get some apples before the possums do.

I have no idea what this climbing rose is called but it always
puts on a glorious display, although this time the flowers
are a little bedraggled by the rain.

David Austin climbing rose next to the tree fern trunk
This gorgeous David Austin climbing rose pales into
insignificance beside my adorable grandson Elijah.

Even the old fuschia and pink briar rose next to the
garage are blooming this year.
This rose appeared out of nowhere, at the base of another rose,
so I'm guessing it's a sucker from the root stock.  It's very
pretty though.
No clue on name, yet again, and this photo doesn't
do the brilliant yellow colour justice.
Golden iris & unknown pink flower, flattened
by heavy rain in early November.
This very old climber only got half pruned before it began
to bloom.  Now it looks so pretty I will have to wait until it
finishes flowering before the secateurs and garden
 saw comes out again.

Not sure what type of rose this is or it's name but it is a
large bush covered with these beautiful pastel blooms
and millions of buds.
Another pic of the pastel rose - I would also
appreciate anyone telling me what it's called
and what type of rose this is.

I don't usually like single roses but this one is 
gorgeous, wish I knew it's name?

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